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Parade day info FAQ.

What time does the parade start?



What happens if it rains or snows?

•The parade is rain, shine or snow. Unless the weather affects the safety of the parade goers, we’re marching. 


Where does the parade start and finish?

•The parade starts around 500 Boardwalk near Ocean Casino and ends at Albany Ave next to Stockton.


How long will the parade be?

•About 3 hours


How many people are you expecting on the boardwalk? 

•We're expecting 70,000 people to attend. Last year there were 44,000 people on the boardwalk and the parade has more than doubled in size. 


How big is the parade?

•We have over 120 groups participating. Once lined up on the boardwalk the parade will be over a mile long!


Where can I find the list of who's in the parade?

•The participant list will be posted on social (right here) later this week. 


Will there be public restrooms open on the boardwalk?

•Yes, at New York Ave., Mississippi Ave and Chelsea Ave.


Can you drink on the boardwalk?

•Yes, as long as you’re well behaved. The boardwalk is part of the Tourism District and open containers are allowed. 


Can we bring our own chairs?

•Yes, but we can’t promise that people won’t stand in front of you. We anticipate the boardwalk to be standing room only between Tennessee Ave. and Missouri Ave.


Where can I buy an official badge and how much do they cost? 

•There will be a limited number of badges available for sale beginning at 10am in front of the Irish Pub for $10


Where can I park?

•There are plenty of metered parking spots available throughout the city. Please utilize the city parking app, ParkMobile. The cost to park for 5 hours is around $10.35. Download the app here -


•All of the casino garages are also open for parking. Most casinos do have a cheaper parking rate if you sign up for a card. 

~Parade Participants~

Where do we go for staging and what time?

•Floats/Trailers with Vehicles

10am – 11am New Hampshire Ave.

Floats and vehicles will enter New Hampshire off of Atlantic Ave. 


•Walking Groups, Bands, Trams/ Golf Carts

11am- Noon Rhode Island Ave. and the boardwalk.


Where can participants park?

•There are plenty of metered parking spots available where we’re staging on Rhode Island and Victoria Ave. Please utilize the city parking app, ParkMobile. (The cost to park for 5 hours is around $10.35.) Download the app here -


Are there restrooms in the staging area?

•There will be handicap portable toilets at New Hampshire and Rhode Island Aves. The public bathrooms on the boardwalk at New Hampshire Ave. will also be open. 


Do parade groups need to officially check in?

•Yes, every group needs to check in. Look for SJTA Representatives wearing traffic vests in the staging area and check in with them. 


How do we get back to our cars when the parade is over?

•There will be 4-6 jitneys at the end of the parade route on Albany Ave. taking everyone back. 


How long is the parade route?

•2 miles


How long will the parade be?

•About 3 hours

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